12135 1/2 Riverside Drive
Valley Village CA 91607
Welcome to Golden Monkey Healing, a destination for those expanding their path towards personal excellence, as well as those taking their first steps towards total wellness.
As always, the health of our community is our absolute top priority.
In light of the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) developments, and our commitment to the health of our community, Golden Monkey Healing is closely following updates and CDC and Los Angeles County Public Health Department’s guidelines.
As we continue to focus on the safety and health of our clients, these are some of the extra precautions we are taking:
* Disposable gloves will be worn during all contact/treatments with clients.
Here is what we would like your help with:
Please stay home if you have a fever, are coughing or sneezing, or are experiencing shortness of breath.
We will be honoring all late cancellations for those of you who aren’t feeling well. Email Matt@goldenmonkeyhealing.com if you need to cancel or reschedule.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
We are passionate and diligent about your (and our) personal health and wellness. As a boutique clinic we have the opportunity to manage each of the touch points in the office while we continue to bring you the best possible health experience.
We appreciate your attention and precaution. If you have any questions or concerns in the meantime, we’re always here for you—just reach out to us at 818-430-1906
The season of fall brings cooler weather and shorter days. As with any season, the world adjusts accordingly. Plants begin to go dormant, animals begin scrounging for food to store to get them through the upcoming winter months and humans start winterizing everything.
As fall descends on the land, it reminds us we need to start cutting back on the numerous cooling foods that are consumed during the summer months. Things like raw foods, salads, juices and fruits should be decreased because they can create too much cold in the body, according to traditional Chinese medicine. continue reading
Statistics show eight out of 10 people will experience low back pain at some point during their life. Seeking medical treatment for back pain is very common. Typically back pain is fleeting and can be easily resolved with rest, heat and an occasional anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen. However, once the damage is done, the recurrence of back pain can be as high as 50 percent. Part of this is because as we age, things like muscles and tendons become less flexible and pliable. It is also very well known in the United States, people are too sedentary and this leads to excess weight gain that can create added pressure on the body, especially the low back. continue reading
We believe that healing lies in the mind, and health is the science of the mind. In the Chinese system the mind or “shen” resides in the organ of the heart. Therefore all healing must come from the heart. The heart is the emperor of the body with all the other organs and vital energy channels working to protect and serve the emperor, in order to keep the peace. When ones heart can merge with the divine, inner strength and healing can be found.
At Golden Monkey Healing we believe that medicine is all around us, from a simple bush in the backyard to each breath we take. Life is always moving and energy is always pulsating. These two forces spiral around each other creating the flow of energy or “chi” in the body that produces a magnetic field similar to the current of the Earth. When the level at which we vibrate changes or tunes in deeper to the resonance of the Earth we have an abundance of resources to prevent and fight disease.