We believe that healing lies in the mind, and health is the science of the mind. In the Chinese system the mind or “shen” resides in the organ of the heart. Therefore all healing must come from the heart. The heart is the emperor of the body with all the other organs and vital energy channels working to protect and serve the emperor, in order to keep the peace. When ones heart can merge with the divine, inner strength and healing can be found.
At Golden Monkey Healing we believe that medicine is all around us, from a simple bush in the backyard to each breath we take. Life is always moving and energy is always pulsating. These two forces spiral around each other creating the flow of energy or “chi” in the body that produces a magnetic field similar to the current of the Earth. When the level at which we vibrate changes or tunes in deeper to the resonance of the Earth we have an abundance of resources to prevent and fight disease.


Herbal Medicine


Why the name Golden Monkey?
In the 5 element models of medicine, Kung Fu, and Qi Gong the monkey is the animal that best represents the heart. Always playing and full of joyful energy the same way our hearts should feel. The color gold is for the richness we feel when we are working at our optimal level. Let the joy of the heart and the richness of the color gold, bring you into a place of balance!